Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The keys in PCalc are all scrambled! I tried deleting the app, but that didn't help. What can I do to fix it?

A: It sounds like the layout has been edited by accident. Hold down a key for a couple of seconds and the calculator will switch into edit mode. Tap the three line icon in the toolbar at the bottom and choose "Reset All" from the menu that appears. That will do it!

Q: Where are the trigonometric and log functions hiding?

A: Hit the "2nd" button in the horizontal layout - that toggles between the two different sets of functions. In Decimal mode you'll get the trig and log functions, in Hex / Octal / Binary mode, you'll get more bitwise functions.

Technical Questions

If you have any problems or questions about using PCalc, mail me at:

or contact me via Mastodon at:

@pcalc or @jamesthomson

or via Threads at:


and I'll do my best to help.

Payment Questions

You can purchase PCalc for iOS by visiting this link which will take you to the App Store page for PCalc.

It costs $9.99 in the US, price varies in other countries. PCalc is a universal app - one purchase will work on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. No need to buy an "HD" version!